Choose either one of these questions: 1. Marshall McLuhan had theories about media as the extensions of man. Kindly explain how does the theories being applied in this age and time using mass media. 2. Explain and gives your personal interpretation on Marshall McLuhan’s ‘the tetrad’ diagram. The question I choose would be number 2. A tetrad is four set of things or group of four. In Marshall McLuhan’s Tetrad diagram, ‘ Marshall McLuhan summarized his ideas about media in a concise tetrad of media effects. The tetrad is a means of examining the effects on society of any technology /medium (put another way: a means of explaining the social processes underlying the adoption of a technology/medium) by dividing its effects into four categories and displaying them simultaneously .’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrad_of_media_effects Marshall McLuhan’s Tetrad diagram looks like a big cross contained of 5 diamond boxes that combined together. In the middle of the diamo...