Can you think of an example of a stereotypical image in media that has caused harm? What about an example where no harm  has  been  caused?   

What’s the difference between these two examples?

In my opinion, I think these images are one of the examples of stereotypical images in the media that has caused harm. The images shows the some of the actors and actresses and also the singer group Girl’s Day. As now Korean k-pop are globalise and become a hit especially throughout the Asian. Korean hit had gave the greatest impact on the style and appearance. Now in this new era, anywhere you go, you will find people who wants to have a future partner based on good looking appearance as the Korean celebrities. I think it cause harm to the society, for example plastic surgery.
Based on the first picture, the singer group Girl’s Day have good looking appearance, stylish, and the most important look is their perfect body and long skinny legs. It actually give the concept to people especially girls to want to have that kind of appearance and body.

Based on the second image, it’s those actors and actresses who act in drama. Typically, those elders like our aunt, grandmother or even parents looking at all the singers or even actors and actresses, they would always give the same comment: “why are all Korean celebrities looking all alike?” That’s right, that is the Korean stereotype image to society. What we see through their stereotype looks real, but in reality they aren’t that good looking, they are just as normal as everybody are. However, to promote their country’s culture, travel, drama, singers they are to create these kind of stereotype to the world. It gives harm to the society by people not able to be satisfied and accepted their own appearance and body. It often lead people to think of I want to have features like the Korean celebrities, fair skin, long and skinny, rosy cheeks, big cute eyes, prominent nose and etc. All these concept let those self-dissatisfaction people to think of going to plastic surgery or unhealthy diet. And so there are also many cases of plastic surgery failure and even cause to death because before the patient did plastic surgery they didn’t really consider of the impact of the surgery failure (there are 1/500 operations result in death). Even if they success, they look really a vanity, it’s not their true self anymore, they are living in the Korean stereotype world. In addition, some girls or even boys diet in unhealthy way just to hope to have that kind of body and appearances.

"In America, it's amazing," he said. "Most women spend more time finding a pair of shoes than they do finding a cosmetic surgeon. You can take the shoes back, you can't take your face back or your life back."

I think that stereotypical images of finger heart sign is an example of image will not cause harm. Fingers Hearts is a gesture created by crossing the thumb and index finger, and it looks like a small heart shape. Finger heart sign claimed to be first popularised by either the Korean celebrities G-Dragon or Yang Se Hyung. Korean celebrities often use this gesture as a convenient alternative to the big heart sign when sending their love. The finger heart gesture trend has just started recently.

The difference between these two images, the images that cause harm involves of gender, body image, appearances, style that can lead the society to be self-dissatisfaction, enviousness, lack of confidence, inferiority. The images that do not cause harm it doesn’t involve too much of gender role, religion, body image, appearances. It focus on beyond everybody, and everybody can accept it and even follow or share what the message coveys of.


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